1st October ‘13Bienvenue sur la Page de l'ASPT 75,
Association Parisienne de Football
Américain, Flag et Cheerleading. -
25th September ‘13Life is a Parade is an
exploration through other
places, following the
map of elsewhere,
communicating by outer
signs. -
24th September ‘13На сегодняшний день текила
Jose Cuervo, является самой
популярная маркой текилы в
мире. -
18th September ‘13Это реклама, для тех, кто
видел Боярского молодым. Так
сказать, назад в прошлое, или
как утверждают на дерти —
русская ikea. -
17th September ‘13Jan Urschel — concept
illustrator working in the
entertainment industry,
designing for feature films, video
games and book/CD covers
among others. -
16th September ‘13Working at a textle company and
doing graphic design for a brand
which have many shops in turkey
and some eu and other countries. -
11th September ‘13Rabbit Eye Movement, REM,
started as a Streetart concept,
based in Vienna, founded by the
urban/graffiti artist and
illustrator Nychos in 2005 and
still has a big impact in the
Urban Art World. -
11th September ‘13Belíssimo trabalho em parede
feitopelo ilustrador Jhon
Douglas do Studio Cabron,
especializado em ilustração,
produção de vídeos entre
muitas outras atividades
ligadas à criação. -
10th September ‘13YouTube-хит прошлой недели
о загоревшейся во время
танца девушке был сделан
специально для вечернего шоу
Джимми Киммела. -
6th September ‘13Willy Verginer — итальянский
скульптор, создающий
удивительные деревянные
скульптуры. -
6th September ‘13Technology brings us the ease of
living, it makes it too easy
sometimes we forget how a quality
life should look like. -
5th September ‘13Компания Yahoo представила
новый логотип. Он сохранил
фирменные цвета и
восклицательный знак. -
3rd September ‘13Aston Martin DBC concept car
by Samir Sadikhov. It's based
on the lines of the old Aston
Martin DBR1. Stunning! -
20th August ‘13Коллаборация Александра Гранда,
Максима Алимкина и моушн-
дизайнера Алекса Фрукта в
концепции нового стиля Минска -
19th August ‘13We encouraged users to create their
own Mercurial iD style and put
their designs in the spotlight.
Thousands responded... -
16th August ‘13Redesign the identity and
packaging for a meat market or
deli of your choice. Avedanos is
a butcher shop in San Francisco -
6th June ‘13Keep your essentials in your head.
Keys, glasses, phone, watch, loose
change, and the contents of your can be difficult keeping all
these things in mind. -
23rd May ‘13Jekyll n’ Hyde is a picture production
studio based in Brussels. Tim&Fred,
the founders, are working in
advertising pictures for 12 years. -
20th May ‘13The zombie virus has evolved into a
new breed of parkour zombies. No
longer do they slumber as the
walking dead, they are ferocious and
fast, they are the flipping dead. -
15th May ‘13Buena Vista Fotografia – advertising
agency based in Buenos Aires. Are
building work for clients DDB, Fiat,
Leo Burnet, Telefonica, Reebok, Ford
& etc. -
15th May ‘13Pedro Dimitrow начинал свою
карьеру в кино, как режиссер
рекламных фильмов. В 2005 году
открыл свою студию. -
15th May ‘13Peter Holst focuses on shooting
people and environmental portraits,
as well a conceptual work, for
advertising and editorial clients. -
13th May ‘13Nejat Talas was born in Athens and
currently lives in Istanbul. Working
as an advertising and fashion and
editorial photographer. -
13th May ‘13Ricardo Barcellos had been working
as a Graphic Designer for so long
that he used to show his drawings
on his portfolio. -
12th May ‘13Designed by Simon Frouws, these
premium, luxury playing cards
feature elegant gold foil hot stamped
onto ultra-lux black paper derived
from sustainable forests. -
9th May ‘13F. Ménard is a family hog breeding
and processing business. The
company, which was founded 50
years ago by Fulgence Ménard. -
9th May ‘13Now, I am a fulltime freelance
designer and illustrator, working on
logos/branding, packaging, and
apparel design. -
9th May ‘13Buenavista Fotografia based in
Buenos Aires and has a solid
background in advertising
photography. -
8th May ‘13Amazing fashion shoots by Pep
Avila,talented commercial
photographer based in Barcelona,
Spain. -
8th May ‘13Российский дизайнер Alexey
Frukta выпустил отличное видео:
солянка своих работ. Кстати, на
behance можно посмотреть его
полное портфолио.
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